Tarry Ho’
Thanksgiving, the training wheels holiday for Christmas, is over. Oh, I know Chanukah and Kwanzaa are coming to, but neither of those lovely holiday can compare with the commercial and cultural juggernaut that is Christmas. Retailers put up the Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa decoration in October. Personally, I hate the mixing of holiday decor when they bunch up and rush the holidays like that. I hate seeing skeletons next to a menorah or a manger, it just ain’t right. But now it’s official, shopping season is open, bring on the fruitcake, eggnog and credit card debt. I’m buying only American made products this year.
A lot of people don’t get their shopping mojo in gear until the 24th of December. They always say they’re procrastinating, dawdling, or puttering until the last minute. These words are not interchangeable and I need to straighten everyone out.
First, on the time misusage continuum, we have ‘puttering around’. Puttering is done first thing in the morning. It is not done by “morning” people because they wake up oriented as to who they are, where they are, and what they have to do that day. Puttering is only for those of us who are night owls and are forced to rise in the morning. We putter around getting dressed, grooming, drinking coffee and struggling to remember what the hell it was that we have to get done today. I generally putter for an hour, after which, I go to work, or if I’m not working that day, I begin a session of lallygagging.
Lallygagging isn’t the same as dawdling or procrastination, that comes later. Lallygagging is having a second cup of coffee and reading magazines, books, or watching a morning TV show. Lallygagging is the cadillac of time misusage. You could be doing something productive, like working on a project, but instead, you indulge yourself. After lallygagging, you might be ready to do some Christmas shopping. But if you’re not quite ready, you can commence dawdling.
Dawdling is a fine art. My ex was a dawdler. Dawdling involves getting ready to leave the house, but finding some bizarre problem to fixate on at the last minute that prevents you from leaving. My ex was the best. Once, we were both dressed up to go out to dinner and a movie. It was a movie I picked, because I got to pick every third movie, and I was on high dawdle alert. I had my purse on my arm and we were exiting the house when he decided to check his wallet for money and he suddenly noticed his social security card wasn’t in his wallet. I knew the night was over. I pleaded with him that wherever the card was, it was going to stay there until we got back and he could obsess about it then. But, no, it had to be found immediately. He had downshifted from going to see Moonstruck to dawdling. I went alone, leaving him as he tore up his desk searching for a card he hadn’t seen in years.
Now dillydallying is doing tiny things to hold everyone up. It’s not as annoying as dawdling and takes less time. I dillydally and hold up my family every single time I get in the car, because my car won’t start unless I have lipstick on. Family members have suggested I put on lipstick before I get in the car, but then I might forget to dillydally long enough to check my makeup in the mirror on the visor. So you see, dillydallying can have a constructive purpose for the dillydallyor.
Procrastination is when you definitely have something you must do and you must find a way not to do it. You putter, lallygag, dawdle, dillydally and even goof off, and the good news is, you only have to procrastinate till 3 PM. Three o’clock is too late to begin anything. So, after 3 PM, you can stop procrastinating and advance straight to loafing which you can do till bedtime.
Since it is Christmastime, I like to upgrade my time misusage to ‘tarrying’. Tarrying is loafing and lallygagging with an english accent, fits in perfectly with this time of year.