Last week Shelter Island lost a dear, most precious friend: Murray, our 15-year-old, 17-pound tuxedo cat. He was a beautifully marked black and white tuxedo cat with a white mask and green eyes outlined in what looked like black eyeliner. At a visit last year, the vet proclaimed him "officially the nicest cat on Shelter Island." That's because Murray lay there like a lump while he was poked and prodded. He never protested. He was always too cool.
The late Murray
They say that losing a pet is like losing a child. I hesitate to make that analogy because nothing compares to losing a child, and yet, the elements of loss and pain are all there, just in a weaker concentration.
Murray and his sister Missy were rescued from a woman who was going to have them put to sleep at age six because her new baby was allergic to cats. My brother took them. They had never been outside. For some reason, the previous owner had them de-clawed front AND back! Why the back claws? They couldn't even scratch their ears!
With us, clawless as they were, they ran free. They caught, but couldn't even hold butterflies. And they spent hours sharpening their toes on the corners of the couch. I tried many times to tell Murray this was a pointless activity, but he never listened and stubbornly tried to sharpen those phantom claws. Murray took up permanent residence on my son's bed. I know the electric blanket had nothing to do with it. Murray spent hours with his big head in my son's lap, being petted and loved. They were best friends.
We will miss the way he sat on catnip. We never quite understood this particular method of absorption. He'd eat some then sit on the pile. Maybe it's a cat thing or maybe he was guarding his kill? He was always slow moving, but on catnip, he ran like a gazelle. Crashed into furniture, but still, like a gazelle would crash into furniture.
A few years ago, a gray kitten was added to the group. She attacked Murray, all eight ounces of her, and she'd dig her claws into his fur and hang on like a lion cub trying to bring down an adult water buffalo. Murray would walk all over the house wearing this kitten. It was hilarious. He'd lie down and she'd attack from all angles. He never lost his temper. And until the end, Two Socks, as she came to be known, could still attack him and sit on his head without protest. I think it was a May-December thing they had going on. There's no other reason for a mature cat to share his catnip.
He was playful up to the last few days. Then, his great little cat heart just gave out. The vet gave us a very nice coffin-shaped strong cardboard box for him. We wrapped him in a towel and had a proper Irish wake. The body was displayed in the box on the dresser. My son put in Murray's favorite toy - a penlight. Murray loved to chase the little spotlight on the floor. My brother put in one of his deerskin slippers. Murray loved to put his front paws inside the slippers and sleep. He looked like he was sledding. I'm not sure why my brother only put in the one slipper - what could he do with the other one? I found a rosary with a St. Francis medal (patron saint of animals) and we looped it around him. We wept, we laughed, we toasted him with Ovaltine. We inscribed his name and a Celtic cross on the top of the box with a personal note from all of us.
He was a good cat all in all. Never drank or smoked. Never killed a mouse. Was good to his sister, unless Pounce treats were involved. He never threw up in the house. Could have done a little better covering things with litter, but let's not speak ill of the dead.
Farewell my dearest pretty boy, Murray.
Oh he was a good cat that's sad. I am sure he went to the rainbow bridge.
ReplyDeleteVisit me http://www.catavenger.net
My cat also went to the Rainbow Bridge, and now I'm coping with the loss by dreaming of a Tuxedo cat.
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ReplyDeleteCame across your post googling tuxedo cats to help me in a painting. My mother had a tuxedo - Betsy was he name and she was the nicest, gentlest cat I have ever known. She died of cancer, that although treated returned. She never cried out when I was giving her the subcutaneous liquids. Never bit, never clawed, never hurt and she had all her claws.
ReplyDeleteI now have a Maine Coon and have had to sit in a walk-in clinic to get a tetanus shot due to her misunderstanding my motives when I tried to wash her bum after a messy bowel accident. I know she didn't really want to bite me as her fangs sunk in only half-heartedly.
I sure miss that little tuxedo sweetheart. Thanks for posting this.
I came across your posting when googling Tuxedo cats. My best friend and i live together and we have a tuxedo cat, her mother was a stray and had kittens, one day this lady came into petsmart when we were there carrying this cat, my roommate fell in love with her and immediatly before the lady could even give her to petsmart took the kitty, she has been a part of our family now 2 years in april. Me personally i have a jack russell terrier. They play and frolic and rough house big time, she has all claws (think it is wrong to declaw a cat) and she never uses them at all with my dog. If she gets mad or upset she jumps on her big huge cat tower away from the dog and sleeps it off. It is funny, when she gets back up and my dog is sleeping she sneaks up on my dog and pounces on her and nips my dogs ear and runs, the dog follows in to the bedroom and they wrestle. The kitties name is Zoey. I do have to say thank you to whomever is up in the sky for laying this kitty kat in my roommates arms, she is wonderful.
ReplyDeletei was googling tuxedo cats when i came across this and this is the saddest, most heart-warming story i've ever heard. it made me laugh, smile, and cry. i read a quote one time: "dogs have masters. cats have wait staff." i think it's all too true. i'm sorry for the loss of your beloved little furry friend, however i'm glad you had a wonderful time during his time on earth. =)
ReplyDeleteI was also googling tuxedo cats, after petting my little tuxedo who is asleep on the bed next to me. Your tribute was touchiing and funny. Thanks for reminding me how important my cats are in my life.
ReplyDeletei was googling tuxedo cats when i read this story and just laughed with my family as i read it, and its so funny because weve had a tuxedo cat for 3 years. his name is Jack, he weighs about 15lbs, is an emotional eater,squeaks instead of meowing,and squeaks at you when he can see the bottom of the bowl. ever since we had this cat he has just made you smile with his quirkiness. oh and he hates wearing clothing, i mean try putting on a small cat tee shirt on a cat and watch him fall over because he's to big to wear it. it just brings a smile to your face, especially if that shirt says, just go ahead and put me on the naughty list! i mean is that not adorable. If you find a cat like this, keep him forever.
ReplyDeleteI have just stumbled upon your site ....so sorry to hear about your loss....I rescued a tuxedo kitten in March ...a wee thin undernourished abused kitten who appeared at my door....he is now a beautiful big tuxedo cat and we all love him and spoil him ...he brings a lot of joy and satisfaction to us ...especially my 16 year old son who adores him ....he sleeps where he feels like it..but normally starts of fin my sons bed....then always every night at 03h00 he comes to my bed with a big lick and loud purrs and settles snuggling into me for the rest of the night....licking my face in the morning after he cleans himself....
ReplyDeletewe live in Canada and since the snow has started he is not going outdoors...the first time he went to go out my back kitchen door it was snowing...he did as he normally does and ran to the door when I opened it to let him out .....he froze in horror at what he saw...he put one paw in the snow...sniffed the air..turned and looked at me in total disgust and hasn't left the house since.....6 days ago....and he is an outdoor cat ....
I am sure your cat had a wonderful life....like I hope our wee special kkitten does...he is gentle and loving and cuddly and all I do when I walk past him is pet him and listen to him purr....it reassures me that simple things in life are all we need
I lost my 19 year old tuxedo cat, Kliban, this week!!!!! Yes Tuxedo cats are the smartest!!!!!! My cat could sit up and beg for treats!!!!!! He would obey commands and absolutely ran his castle which I paid for and kept clean for him!!!!! I will miss my dear 16# friend very much!!!!!