Why doesn’t the world turn the way I want it to -
Whose idea was it to tape political campaign messages and randomly call phone numbers and annoy people? Of all the bad ideas for campaigning this has to be the worst. If you were for the candidate, you will be against them by the third time their auto-annoy message interrupts your day.
The one commodity that is more available today than at any other time in history is information. If you want to read about a candidates platform, you can read their website, watch them on boob-tube, read their face space page, or sign up to have them tweet you so you can get up the second reports on what they are doing. There is no justification for these auto-annoy calls. Unless of course, these are set up by the opposing team to drive voters away, in which case, it’s a brilliant idea.
Of course the real problem with the auto-annoy calls is that, what if Washington really is calling you for help with a problem and you just erase the message without listening to it?
“George, did you get ahold of Clark on Shelter Island yet about renting a ferry for the wine and clams on the half fundraiser?”
“Senator, do you know how many Clarks there are on Shelter Island?”
“I know, but just call any one of them and they will be able to tell you who to talk to about a ferry rental.”
“I already thought of that. I’ve left sixteen messages with Clarks on the island and none of them have called back.”
“When we call them, what shows up on their Caller ID, do you know?”
“Just “Washington”, isn’t that enough?”
“Not for them. Tell you what, we need to call from a Caller ID that will get a response.”
“Good idea, Senator. How about we call from the IRS phone, that will get their attention.”
“No, that will just drive them underground. What about calling from a massage parlor?”
“No, sir, that will just get a husband shot somewhere. Hey - that’s it, it’s only the women that would call anyone back - Tanger Mall - we hack into their phone line and leave a message that they won a $200 gift certificate. $200 is enough to be believed and I bet we’ll get called back on that.”
“Yea, but we’d better have the money if they call sir.”
“We will, it’s quite justified as a campaign expenditure. $200 for a lead on a ferry rental, works for me.”
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