"I gotcha jihad right here baby...."
I can't believe the Muslims, who want the rest of the world to see them as peaceful and rational people are rioting over cartoons! By rioting, they are validating everyone fears that they are uncivilized, fanatical nutcases! A Danish newspaper publishes 12 cartoons (one above) that they don't like, and for that there are riots all over the world?
These people need to lighten up! Neither the Christian or Jewish world riots or goes crazy

I think it's time the Muslims had a little quid pro quo. You get the respect you give.
I know that Christians engaged in brutal Crusades to cleanse the world of the infidel for over 100 years in anticipation of Christ's return at the first millenium in the Christian calendar. I know that as the Islamic calendar approaches it's first millenia, Muslim's are doing the same thing. Their crusades to purify the world of infidel are called Jihads, but it's the same mission.
But the Crusades were fought with swords on horseback. Jihads are fought with serious bombs and sophisticated weapons that can kill far more than a bunch of knights on horseback. The world is just too grown up for this nonsense..... we can't have Crusades or Jihads anymore and that's just the way it has to be.
Christ didn't come back at the thousand year mark and Muhammed isn't coming back at the thousand mark either, so just get a grip on yourself Muslims. If your spiritual growth is contigent on murder, than you're no better than the Crusaders who thought the same thing. There's no such thing as a holy handgrenade. The Hindu's, the Buddhists, the Jews and the Christians have all figured this out, so please try to catch up with the rest of the class.
The Muslims, whom I once respected, are like petulant children to me now. They want their turn to slaughter the infidel just because the Christians had their turn first. I know the Muslims are still pissed off about the Crusades because September 11, 1529 was the day the Christians, in the Battle of Vienna, drove the Muslims decisively out of Europe. Naturally they picked that date to make their big comeback...and I haven't forgotten the images of the Muslims celebrating the 3000 dead Americans or the Palestinians urinating on the American flag on Sept 11, 2001.
As far as all the furor about these cartoons is concerned, there's a saying among New York Italians that is very appropo here....
"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke..."
great post!