Louise: “I think, for once, I’m going to get what I actually want this Valentine’s Day.”
Rachel: “What did you ask for?”
Louise: “I’ve been hinting hard for a month now, everytime the Jarod commercial comes on, I tell him how much I’d love one of those string on charm bracelets. I told him, “Make sure you shop at a store that starts with a “J” this year...”. I practically wrote it in magic marker on his private parts, so he’d see it everyday.”
Rachel: “I’m pullin’ for you. But men can miss the most obvious hints. You might be better off to drive him to the store yourself and send him inside with a note pinned to his shirt.”
Louise: “Nah, he can’t blow it this year.”
Valentine's Day
Pete: “Louise, I know you think I’m a dimwit sometimes when it comes to you and your needs, which seem to be as endless as waves in the ocean, but that’s beside the point, anyway....I got your hints loud and clear and I have gifts from the “J” store. Put on your fancy duds, we’re going out to dinner, and we’re going off-Island.”
One hour later...
Louise: “Pete, I’m not sure if eating at the Mexican restaurant that you can see as you get off the North Ferry counts as “off-Island”, I mean, we could have walked here and saved the ferry ticket.”
Pete: “Nope, nothing’s too good for you tonight. I don’t care if I waste a ferry ticket or not, that’s how much I love you. Why don’t you open your present now? There’s two in the box.”
Louise: “Gee, the box is much bigger than I thought. Such pretty paper though.”
Pete: “Here, hand me the paper. Ahhhh, speechless, eh? I told you I went to the “J” store, and you thought I didn’t listen....”
Louise: “Jerry’s Sporting Goods.....the box says, Jerry’s Sporting Goods...”
Pete: “Well, don’t get all choked up yet, go on, open it up.”
Louise: “A fishing rod....”
Pete: “A PINK fishing rod, special order, cost extra. You know how you always want us to have more quality time together? I was thinking of how you complain that all you get to do on the boat is cut bait....well, now you can fish with me. I figure you can cut the bait at home the night before. We’ll be side by side, wishin’ and fishin’. Makes me smile all over. And there’s another gift under that - something you’ll love.”
Louise: “And a Jets nightgown....”
Pete: “I remember how you said you hate those black and red lacy things I usually get? So this year, when I look at you tonight, I’ll see two things I love. Oh, honey, don’t cry. Oh, you’re such a sentimental girl. Isn’t this better than candy and flowers? I bet you never expected this!”
Louise: “No, that’s true, I didn’t see this coming.”
Pete: “See that? After 22 years of marriage, I can still surprise you!”
The day after Valentine’s Day
Rachel: “Did you get it? Did you get the charm bracelet from Jerod’s?”
Louise: “I got a pink fishing rod and a Jets nightgown - both from the “J” store, Jerry’s Sporting Goods....”
Rachel: “Do you want to kill him now or wait till Spring?”
Louise: “Let’s wait till Spring. I can till a nice spot in the garden to bury him.”
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